Divinity engine 2 tutorial
Divinity engine 2 tutorial

divinity engine 2 tutorial divinity engine 2 tutorial

However, I have no forgiveness for the state of the documentation.

divinity engine 2 tutorial

Now I want to make one thing clear: I love this GM Mode/Editor combination they have, and with continued updates and few quality of life improvements, this editor has the chance to be known as one of the greats. The problem is documentation, as in there is none on this process. Use the GM Mode for running games, and use the Editor to create custom content. You want a new, well, anything? Crack open the Editor and get to exporting. While you don’t have to use the Editor, not doing so will saddle you with the aforementioned restrictions. See, there’s a second part to the puzzle that the game doesn’t make obvious to you – The Divinity 2 Engine (hence forth referred to as Editor). Kinda wanted broken furniture for this ruined house level, but I guess I can settle for scattering blood everywhere. So if you have this sweeping campaign idea with new, well, everythings’, then you’re a bit out of luck. You also cannot create new monsters or characters, you can only use the ones provided. You cannot create new maps, you can only use the selection provided. In addition to all this, the GM mode is very limited in what you can create. Only a GM can launch a GM mode game, therefore one will always be present.

divinity engine 2 tutorial

GM mode is not for solo adventures, and in fact the Game Master is not even optional. GM stands for Game Master, and the GM mode is for when you want a highly curated adventure, much like a tradition tabletop game. So let us start off with what GM mode is and isn’t. What to do, however, once your done with the campaign? Well, how about run your own game for a group of friends? Enter the GM mode, which enables you to do precisely that! So Divinity: Original Sin 2 is mighty fine game.

Divinity engine 2 tutorial